Modesto, CA, USA
asm – One of the founding members of Gospel Graffiti Crew which started in 1996. Inspired by his hometown, things in nature, fasm often paints plants, animals and things that influence in his day to day life in Modesto California. But this guy can literally paint anything! He has a heart to see other graffiti writers get better at what they do and gets excited to see other writers excel and use their gifts for God. In recent years, Fasm has painted many tigers in bright and whimsical colors. He chose the tiger for it’s challenge to paint and seemingly 80s cheesy-serious quality. At the same time they represent the simultaneous beauty and restrained power of God. How our Lord gives grace to the humble and humility to the proud.
But he gives all the more grace. And so he says, “God opposes the arrogant but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6
It’s as if we all are standing face to face with God knowing He could obliterate us in an instant. Yet he does not. Leaving us frozen and in awe of His glorious nature and character.
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