For the record

Let not mercy* and truth* forsake thee: bind them about thy neck…” Proverbs 3:3a KJV

This was more of an experimental piece, never painted on a record so I figured I try it out.


Fresh skecth by Said.. also follow him on facebook.

“Hope” by Said

This art piece was done for Surfing the Nation’s 3rd biannual Ulu Pono Art Show in my second hometown, Wahiawa, Hawaii.  It was a blessing to be involved with the community outreach program/event which supports the local kids in that area.

This piece says “Hope,” and basically the green border represents the “green light” to “go” and be the hope (through Jesus) in a dark, unsaturated world, which the black/grey stripes represent. Please pray for Wahiawa as we try to re-claim territory for God, and continue to pray for Surfing the Nations as they are being the hands and feet of Jesus, that they will be strengthened and encouraged to keep on doing our Father’s work. Aloha!


“Rest” by Said

Mr. Said

Painted this at Writerz Blok in San Diego, CA.

Said @ the LA Graff Lab

Trucker Hats by Said

World Vision piece by SAIDski

Painted for a benefit show sponsored by World Vision

Viva la revolucion de Cristo

San Diego graffiti collaboration 2008